Ti competing with other non-mac laptops

Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Thu Nov 28 02:24:14 PST 2002

At 04:16 -0500 28-11-2002, Henry Kalir wrote:
>If they want to sell ....
>they also have to compete with other non-mac laptops.

I have two colleagues here in our small firm who are about to get a new laptop.
Surprisingly, for PC users, they are slightly considering a Mac 
(TiBook) as an option.

The managing principal saw a BBC program the other night which 
somewhat reservedly indicated
(to a PC user having crash issues with Windows) that a Mac might be 
slightly better.

Has anyone got any recent more factual or rigorous comparison of OS X 
with Windows XP?
One colleague has just bought a Sony Vaio with XP.   About ¤3000 
(almost $3000).
It may be stable (compared to Windows 95), but nothing I saw showed 
me that it was easy to use.
And absolutely no class !

If my colleagues insist on the PC route, what is the 
closest/comparable laptop to a Ti-book?
It is the price (I can get a PC laptop for $1100!) that draws them to 
the OC route, although I suspect that they are comparing Oranges with 

Any comments, URL or input would be welcome.
I am a lone Mac 'evangelist', so any support is appreciated!

regards,  Trevor

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