[Ti] Screen Savers last night...

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Tue Apr 1 10:08:44 PST 2003

>An interesting exchange between Leo and Patrick's stand-in last night.
>Apparently they have some inside info that seems to imply that Macs will
>soon be sporting Intel processors. Jobs was the keynote speaker at a recent
>Intel conference and seemed quite chummy with the execs there. Conjecture by
>Leo was that within 6 to 8 months there will be a platform release with
>Intel chips, either for dual booting (with PowerPCs still aboard) or as the
>sole processor, with the ROMs set up to accommodate Pentium/OS X
>Interesting stuff, but what happened to IBM's G4 970. And for that matter
>the G5?

Can't recall where I read this (came over a Watson/Meerkat newsfeed), 
but adding substance to that rumor is that OSX will only run on the 
new Itanium chip, to prevent Pentium users from reverse engineering 
the OS.  It fits with Jobs' "new and whizzy" approach to things; also 
the article noted that since Apple pulled the clone agreement with 
Motorola, there has been bad blood, hence the G5 chip being over a 
year and a half late on projected release; Motorola has also been 
slow in producing chips which has caused some production wrinkles in 
current Apple lines... not sure about the IBM version.

IMHO, Apple blew a divine opportunity in the server market before IBM 
shifted to Linux... an agreement for IBM to produce SERVER ONLY 
versions running OSX would have given Apple instant credibility in 
the server market while not competing with there lucrative consumer 
end... IBM has never liked dealing with M$ and there shift to Linux 
is definitive proof that Apple could have stepped to the plate there 
and simply blew it.

Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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