According to Roger Snyder: > I seem to recall the manager and assistant manager were new to Apple - >(days and ? months) so maybe not Mac nuts. True believers would be more fun. >And as I said reading all the messages here.... > >-- Roger I was a stay at home dad, too, Roger, and I helped my neighbor build a kit out of Mechanix Illustrated in his [place. i mostly watched...later worked at HP in the Stanford industrial Park. That was mostly about mass spectrometers. Then another computer joint in Palo Alto, [Calif. Ave], etc. 46, too old? it might have been Tolstoy, whose first novel was still 14 years away, at that point in his life, or others, that reminds me that age is irrelevant. I hope you won't fall for the 'myth' of age, or let a few bad apples in a large company's retail system, rob you of what sounds like a great deal for the Apple store's future clients. Go for it. ~flipper