[Ti] Safari Beta 2 tech question

Bill Reburn bill at pacificcoast.net
Mon Apr 14 09:13:58 PDT 2003

On 4/14/03 8:39 AM, "Matthew Fosberg" <mattman at gci.net> wrote:

> Bill-
> I don't have any garbled text on that page. It looks fine from that
> standpoint to me.
> BTW- I'm running 10.2.5 on a Ti 400.
> Matt Fosberg

Great, thank you for the feedback guys.

Changing the font doesn't do anything, a copy and paste captures the correct
text, older Safari and IE display fine, have come across this outside of
Safari also ...Very strange... I will have to find how to re-install the
base font package or something.

Bill Reburn
Associate Member of the
Society of Graphic Designers of Canada

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