[Ti] Line down LCD screen on Ti 500

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Mon Apr 14 20:52:22 PDT 2003

It's a pain in the ass if you've never done it before; you have to take 
off the bottom case, the logic board, clutch covers, and then the 
display comes off.  The logic board is the hardest part to get in and 
It's doable, but not easy.  You might be interested in finding an Apple 
Authorized Service Provider in your area to swap things for you.

"Paul Czywczynski" <paul at pc-ware.com> writes:
> I have a Ti 500 which has developed a line down the screen. I also 
> have an
> extra Ti 500 which I have been using for spare parts after it got 
> dropped
> and the DVD player quit working and broke the screen locking catch. My
> question is, how much of a chore is it to swap the screens around on 
> the two
> units. I do pride myself being competent at repairing hardware (both 
> Mac and
> PC) but laptops always intimidate me and usually stay away from them.
> Also is there a way to replace the locking catch on my spare screen. 
> The hook
> side is okay, it's the catch the hook "hooks" around is chipped and 
> longer
> catches the hook properly.

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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