Ti supply for AC/DC/Airline/Auto all in one

Bux-Mont MUG info at buxmontmug.org
Mon Apr 28 19:39:25 PDT 2003

I remember seeing some vendor having a special on an 
AC/DC/Auto/Airline/Wall plug combination piece. I have only found 
separate items sold together and not the single box with various cables 
that I remember.

Can anyone send the link or make a suggestion? Is it better to get a 
combination of the best of several (recommendations, please) or the all 
in one device based on experience?


GP: *Lovin' my QuickerTek Antenna*

A message from
Daniel M. East
Program Director, Bucks & Montgomery Counties' Macintosh Users Group 
(Bux-Mont MUG)
http://www.buxmontmug.orgdeast at buxmontmug.org
President, The Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups Team (MaMUGs)
deast at mamugs.comhttp://www.mamugs.com
Regional Director, AACUG
Association of Apple Computer Users and Groups
Member of The Apple Consultants Network
Members: UGN, UGA, AACUG, APCUG and other MUG organizations
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