On Tuesday, April 29, 2003, at 02:25 PM, Bryan Forbes wrote: > Can I download the files from the Apple Music store and burn it on a > regular cd to play in your everyday CD players (car, home cd deck, > dvd/cd deck, cd Walkman)? .......... I'd like to be able to burn a > regular CD like I do when I rip audio off of CD's and use Toast/Jam to > create my compilations. > > I guess what I'm really after is AIFF files so I can do with them what > I want (in Toast/Jam and Sound Studio). Is this just pie in the sky > for me? > Bryan see if this article helps "And anybody who tries to upload iTunes Music Store songs onto KaZaA will be shocked. Each song is encrypted with a digital key so that it can be played only on three authorized computers, and that prevents songs from being transferred online. Even if you burn the AAC songs onto a CD that a conventional CD player can read and then re-rip them back into standard MP3 files, the sound quality is awful. " <http://www.fortune.com/fortune/technology/articles/ 0,15114,447333,00.html> -------------- If you do put them on CD you will not be able to copy the CD or reencode it as i understand. frank farwell