Kernel Panics with PCMCIA memory card readers

Lee Wilmeth lw at
Wed Aug 27 14:33:55 PDT 2003


Previously we had discussed problems with the 17 inch powerbooks, 
10.2.6, and kernel panics when inserting PCMCIA memory card 
adapter/readers. Long story short, after a reinstall of 10.2.6 from 
scratch, I have determined that it's not the Mac OS. With only Apple 
applications installed, the PCMCIA card memory adapters/readers work 
fine. But, after installing Microsoft Office v.X, I'm back to kernel 
panics. Has anyone else been able to solve this problem?

  Also, another semi-weird event is the spin up of all my attached 
firewire drives before IE 5.2.2 will even show me a window that isn't 
grayed out. Any ideas why?


Lee Wilmeth, Computer Consultant
1104 Cypress CT
Mansfield, TX 76063-2608
iChat or AIM ID    leewilmeth at

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