[Ti] what to say to Windows users:

Robin Darby robindarby at mac.com
Thu Aug 28 07:33:44 PDT 2003

On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 2:18PM, Loren Schooley wrote:

>>  "The Mac is where Windows will be in about two years".
> So you're saying in 2 years Microsoft will have a 3% market share

Yea, its going to take a wee bit longer that two years for all windows 
users to realize their using an inferior operating system, In fact many 
will never switch (depressing isn't it).

> and cost twice as much?

Here (in the UK), latest version of window costs £251.99 (Windows XP 
Professional edition) and Jaguar costs £90.99 (all figures from 
Do you have a really cheap source of software you'd care to reveal or 
did you get ripped off badly when you purchased jaguar?


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