Loading OS 9 on Tibook ...

Bryan Forbes bforbes at forbesonline.org
Tue Dec 9 04:46:47 PST 2003

Hi all:

I've wiped a HD on a recently purchased 1 mghtz Tibook and am 
attempting to load OS 9 and Panther on separate partitions.  I'm 
getting a system error type 11 when I attempt to boot off of a OS 9.2.1 
cd to load OS 9 onto the smaller partition.  Prior to that I used disk 
utility from the Panther cd to partition the drives ... I formatted 
both the OS 9 and OS X partitions as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).  Is 
that where my problem lies?  Will OS 9 not load on that format?  I'm 
stuck until, I can get beyond this point.


B. Forbes
Why do I use a Mac vs. a Wintel box ... it's simple, I get more done in 
less time.

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