[Ti] more on Word v.X under Panther on a G4 Powerbook

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Wed Dec 24 14:56:35 PST 2003

>I have up to date Virex running on my Powerbook, and it has never detected any virus activity.
>I will run it overnight and see whether there is anything.
>I will report back when I have more data.

Your computer does not have a virus in the truest of senses but one of the Word documents that you may have received from a PC user probably did. That Word macro virus is trying to run a VB script when you open a document. On the Mac, this fails and the 'could not fire event' occurs. The event is a VB script. These don't work on the Mac. They are designed to attach themselves to the Normal template so as to then be able to be a part of every new document that you create. Merely trash the Normal template, and it will automatically recreate itself fresh and clean.
Robert Ameeti

Women first want to find out what is in your wallet, and second what is in your pants.

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