[Ti] more on Word v.X under Panther on a G4 Powerbook

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Wed Dec 24 15:07:43 PST 2003

At 14:56 -0800 24/12/03, Robert Ameeti wrote:
>Your computer does not have a virus in the truest of senses but one 
>of the Word documents that you may have received from a PC user 
>probably did. That Word macro virus is trying to run a VB script 
>when you open a document. On the Mac, this fails and the 'could not 
>fire event' occurs. The event is a VB script. These don't work on 
>the Mac. They are designed to attach themselves to the Normal 
>template so as to then be able to be a part of every new document 
>that you create. Merely trash the Normal template, and it will 
>automatically recreate itself fresh and clean.

Since I am a lone-Mac in a PC only environment, all the files I 
receive are from a PC, so this is consistent with your theory.

They are all supposed to be protected with anti-virus software.

Your description of the process of how the macro virus works and the 
associated error messages sounds very much like what is happening 
with me.

I have asked Virex to scan and clean all my files, including a search 
for macro-viruses.

I will also report this to the PC support guy, as he may want to find 
the source.

Actually several colleagues have said to me just recently that their 
PC is very very slow when it is opening a Word document.  I wonder if 
they are the guys who have the infected files??

Thanks again for your insight and explanations.

regards, Trevor

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