[Ti] ergo virgo

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Wed Feb 5 17:13:44 PST 2003

Sounds a bit like what life as a battery chicken must seem
like to those egg-laying machines, except they're usually
confined as several per cage.  :-)  I think a usual addition
is every now and again (like, not necessarily when the
Pavlovian timer sounds) to take a brief wiggle & stretch &
focus your eyes on something at a variable distance.  Ie,
keep flexibility in all systems.

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Kevin Hoth wrote:
 . . .
> here's a quick rundown of what I received and what has been effective:
> 1. screen top at eye level
> 2. screen plane parallel to face
> 3. shoulders at rest, elbows at 90 degrees, forearms perpendicular to
> torso (straight out) and supported by arm rests
> 4. wrist flat, hand on even plane with forearms (palm is supported but
> not wrist as this is where your tendons are)
> 5. hand straight out from wrists (not bent to the side)
> 6. back straight and supported (good internal posture is essential,
> however)
> 7. feet flat on the floor with 90 bend in knees
> other:
> 8. I have heard LCD displays are better on your eyes since there isn't
> the screen refresh issue nor the electromagnetic radiation
> 9. screen brightness should be roughly equivalent to the ambient light
> in your work space
 . . .

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