[Ti] Web site management with TiBook

Neil Cadsawan rainer3 at mac.com
Mon Feb 10 06:28:11 PST 2003

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 08:54  AM, John R. Boettiger wrote:

> I haven't received my TiBook yet, but eagerly anticipate the brown 
> van. I'm
> not in the "Why swith?" category, having grown up with Macs since the 
> first
> squint. But I confess I'm returning after a two-year PC hiatus caused 
> by (1)
> very rural location with only a satellite option for fast connection; 
> and
> (2) absent HTML, I've found Microsoft's FrontPage (for all its bad 
> press
> about mangling code) a terrific WYSIWYG web site building and 
> management
> program. (I tried the PC version of Dreamweaver MX and found the 
> learning
> curve too steep: that's how primal is my desire not to allow 
> technology to
> come between me and the substance of my work as writer and editor of an
> online journal (pitch: www.reckonings.net). On issue (1) I found my 
> 28.8
> pokey connection boosted roughly 2.8 times (nice symmetry) by using 
> Propel
> Accelerator (www.propel.com), but no Mac version. The DirecPC 
> satellite is
> too pricey as yet. On issue (2) I'd be grateful for your advice. I 
> suspect:
> buckle down and take the time to learn Dreamweaver.
> John

First off, welcome back to the Mac family.

Second, as you mentioned, I would suggest giving Dreamweaver another 

A couple of things to keep in mind while using Dreamweaver:
	DW _wants_ to manage your sites.  What I mean by this is that DW wants 
you to set up a site using its site management tool and sometimes gets 
a little fussy when you don't have a site defined.
	On that note, defining a site isn't very hard.  DW MX gives you a 
Basic and Advanced method for defining your local  and remote sites.  
Once this is setup, DW's Site window lets you see both your local and 
remote sites.  Double clicking on a local file will launch that file.  
This, to me, is the easiest way to launch files instead of using the 
File -> Open menu.
So that's my $0.02.  If after giving the 30 day demo a shot and you 
don't find yourself wondering why you were ever using Frontpage, then 
you could give GoLive a shot, or BBEdit, or even the Terminal. :-)



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