[Ti] [OT] HTML/MIME emails

Tarik Bilgin tarik at opalblue.com
Thu Feb 13 02:26:37 PST 2003

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 03:50  pm, b wrote:

> According to Tarik Bilgin:
>> Does anyone have a fix for this? or an alternative strategy to get 
>> the results I need? A MIME knowledgeable friend suggested that the 
>> problem may lie in using the CSS "style" tag, or perhaps the url() 
>> form of embedding the image.
>> Any ideas will be greatly appreciated, as this issue is slowly 
>> driving me insane...
> Sure, open the Stationery, and select 'New", then click in the body 
> [text] portion of the stationery template, and "Insert Graphic" [use a 
> gif for best results]. Then, select the graphic, and 'center it'.

thanks v much for the info flipper

-- are you talking about Outlook on a Mac or a PC ? I don;t get the 
option to "manually edit" the stationery from within Outlook on a PC. I 
just have some set options --> "Message Font" and "Background"...

Tarik Bilgin
tarik at opalblue.com

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