[Ti] [OT] HTML/MIME emails

Bill Reburn bill at pacificcoast.net
Thu Feb 13 11:27:33 PST 2003

On 2/13/03 11:15 AM, "Michael Bigley" <wakinyan at fuse.net> wrote:

>> Why exactly do "60%" of users not like html mail?? (I think that number is
>> false too)
> If you want to pay for the emarketer report, go for it, but here is
> the free synopsis:
> "eMarketer reports that most consumers prefer text-based email
> advertisements, to other types of email ads.
> In a new study released by Opt-in News, 62 percent of respondents
> said they prefer text-based email ads, to any other form of email
> advertising.
> This compares to 35 percent of respondents who said they preferred
> HTML-based advertisements, and just 3 percent who have a preference
> for rich media email ads."

Nah, I can take your word for it.
Who is Opt-In News? Will have to check that one out later.

Working in marketing I can easily take those numbers in context. I guess I
am too naïve when I think people are advancing or maybe a better word -
embracing the newer technology. It really blows me away when I hear of the
ratio between say dial up and adsl/cable internet subscribers.

Thanks for the numbers.

Bill Reburn

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