[Ti] The Dexia Rack -- Sweet!

Paul Russell prussell at arc-software.com
Wed Feb 19 12:14:04 PST 2003

>Paul (or anyone) do you know of any that *are* adjustable?
>This could be of great use to me.
>Also - do you know of any made for 17" Powerbooks?

Currently I use the Coolpad Podium which is semi-adjustable but which 
doesn't give you much additional height. I'd like to be able to leave 
this at work for desktop use and then keep something like the Dexia 
Rack at home.

Good question re 17" PB's - I'll probably get one of the new monsters 
in a couple of months so would also be interested to know if it's 
going to sit safely on any given stand.



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