[Ti] Word Search

Massimo Marino Massimo_Marino at lbl.gov
Thu Feb 20 14:37:22 PST 2003

It is called "Indexing" and of course is not limited to a Word document 
but to every little piece of crap you might end to have in every little 
file in your system. Mac had it well before OS X. You have it on OS X 
as well though.

The first time you index a volume the process takes some times then it 
is incremental. It allows you to answer yourself questions like: "I 
remember I had seen the word 'crap' in one of my files but do not 
remember if it was an email, a text, a pdf, a picture, or whatever!! Ah 
if only I had my volumes indexed!".

It is like doing a glorified 'grep -r' or 'find' to the highest level 
of file system intrusiveness. Select a volume/folder/sub-directory, the 
get the Info and go to "Content Index".


On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 08:08 PM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List 

> Message-ID: <20030220153945.21095.qmail at web14202.mail.yahoo.com>
> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 07:39:45 -0800 (PST)
> From: Jrande <leejrande at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Ti] Word Search
> Does anyone know how to search for a particular word
> in a Word document without starting Microsoft Words?
> In Windows XP, I can start “search” – “advanced
> search” and it can search for a word that resides in a
> document anywhere in your hard disk. I hope OS X has
> this function somewhere!
> JranDe Lee

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