[Ti] Taking a Ti to China - need Internet ::: works fine ... use 163/263, 169 isp's in Major cities

Warwick Teale warwick_teale at mac.com
Sat Feb 22 19:30:57 PST 2003

HI Deb,  fours years+ here..... i use local broadband now.

PRC (china) PPP access from any of the ISP's under local dialed numbers 
169, 163, 263 and many more. You get charged by the minute of usage. 
Not  much compare to else where. Account names and password are 163/163 
269/269 etc .. may of them around in most cities like Beijing, Tianjin, 
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jinan, etc etc.. reasonable coverage on the 
EASTERN side of china.. get suss further west.

Taipei:  well not clear . someone there can tell you. i use COMPUSERVE 
(UUNET) when I go there.

HONG KONG: no free access.. gotta get an ISP... but I will stand 
corrected. (icable, netvigator etc etc).

4) A/C power is 22C at 50hz. ok for all appliances with voltage sensitive 
power supplied such as this TI667 I am using now. Just get a power plug 
adater. In China they are about 4 yuan each... ($USD.0.50 - 50 cents).. 
more in  places where foreigners (Lao Wei's go)... Get one that has the 
"male" extenders for US+TAiwan, Hong KOng (UK) and PRC (same as 
Australaia). You CAN get away with your 2 x prong plug from the usa in 
most places as this is the same plug used in Taiwan. HOwever if you go 
to Guangdong province there can be up to 5 different power plug 
types!!! (UK/HK, TW/USA, PRC/AUST, some 3 promged heave round things 
like they have in RSA (south africa and more). Howver the clever 
Chinese have a single power "female" end that fist nearly all... but 
the power inlets are the problems when you travel. Just buy a few of 
these really cheap plastic adapters in china and you will be set for 
anywhere (mostly) in the world.

Hope that helps.


On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 03:36 AM, Deborah Shadovitz wrote:

> A friend/client is going to work in China for a couple of months with 
> the possibility of spending a lot more time there. A newer building on 
> the mainland not far from Taiwan and 45 minutes from Hong Kong.
> Thru Sherlock's AppleCare we know the Ti can handle the current and 
> she's checking whether the same US plug can be used since the tech 
> note says their plugs are US.
> So that leaves the internet question. If any of you have been there or 
> live there, can you please give us some advice on dial-up? She had AOL 
> and Earthlink right now and I think does web based mail for Earthlink. 
> (If she will be spending a lot more time there, she'll seek out high 
> speed.
> Thanks.
> Deborah Shadovitz

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