[Ti] Safari Tabs

Loren Schooley loren at flash.net
Mon Feb 24 21:11:52 PST 2003

On 2/24/03 10:20 PM, "b" <galahad9 at earthlink.net> wrote:

> According to Loren Schooley:
>> Enhancer?
> Yes, a little 262 kb app, that actually looks like an Apple Script
> Studio application. Very nice.
> But I asked about whether the Terminal command, that was mentioned
> earlier, was really the same thing., as Enhancer, or not. Not that it
> makes any difference to me, as there are plenty of scripts, or GUI
> things that do the same thing as terminal commands. Just a different
> 'front-end'.
> ~flipper

Might be. It would be easy to create an app for any command.

defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1

Defaults allows users to read, write, and delete Mac OS X user defaults from
a command-line shell. Mac OS X applications and other programs use the
defaults system to record user preferences and other information that must
be maintained when the applications aren't running (such as default font for
new documents, or the position of an Info panel). Much of this information
is accessible through an application's Preferences panel, but some of it
isn't, such as the position of the Info panel. You can access this
information with defaults.

write domain(com.apple.safari 'value'(includedebug menu 1 on / 0 off)
              Writes value as the value for key in domain.  value must be a
              property list, and must be enclosed in single quotes, but I
didn't use 'em.  

Personally I like:
Defaults write com.apple.aqua 'SnappierFeel 1'

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