[Ti] Famous last words dept...

Sherman Gregory sherman at qualcomm.com
Mon Jan 13 17:08:28 PST 2003

At 4:24 PM -0800 1/13/03, Erik Gaderlund wrote:
>At 02:02 -0600 01/13/03, Shawn King wrote:
>>But I'm telling you, after having seen it in person, it's a frikking
>>cafeteria tray. :-)
>A friend of mine, and an Apple employee, describes it as an aircraft carrier, aka the USS Enterprise, or maybe Alabama?  I only got glances at it at MacWorld, and it just looks huge.

I have one on order.  I am not sure that it will be a replacement for the Ti or not.  I think of the 17" AlBook not as a laptop, certainly not as a notebook, but instead as a foldable transportable Macintosh.

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