[Ti] Speaking of Macs showing up on PC company sites...

John Pariseau simplymail at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 15 23:38:24 PST 2003

It looks like one. Chimera loaded it fine.

> First, sorry to everyone for causing such a fuss.  I realize this isn't 
> very pertinent to the topic of helping people with their PowerBooks.
> Anyway, to address your question:
> I'm not even 100% sure it was a TiBook, but they *have* replaced the 
> original photo with a new one, which seems... interesting.
> If you visit their international sites (as of 7:00 GMT), you can still 
> see the original.
> Try: http://www.intel.com/europe/sites/south_africa/index.htm
> or: http://www.intel.ru/

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