[Ti] Market Share: 2.3% -- That's NOT good press, coupled with the loss

Glenn L. Austin glenn at austin-home.com
Thu Jan 16 16:22:00 PST 2003

on 1/16/2003 2:11 PM, NaegeleWDC at aol.com at NaegeleWDC at aol.com wrote:

> See 
> http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-apple16jan16,0,7016865.story?coll=la%2Dh
> ome%2Dtodays%2Dtimes

Most market share numbers are based on *sales* not *in-use*.

Most in-use numbers show a 9-12% Macintosh usage share.  Remember, most
Wintel machines are purchased as replacements within a 12-18 month period.

The problem is that all these sales numbers assume that each machine is
going into service as a new machine, not as a replacement for an existing
machine.  All that they say is that there are 97-99 Wintel machines sold for
every Macintosh sold.  This does not equal "market share" in spite of those
people who would like it to mean that.
Glenn L. Austin <><
Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver
<glenn at austin-home.com>

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