[Ti] Tibook recovery

David Remahl david at ittpoi.com
Sat Jan 25 10:41:39 PST 2003

Since one of their claims include that the software is "undetectable", 
I would think twice before trusting them. The security company also 
highlights the OF password, conveniently leaving out the fact that it 
can be reset.

I'm also curious to find out how the software can detect that a phone 
line is present, and how it knows what country's modem pool to call.

It has been previously demonstrated how one can do this without 
requiring any bought software.

/ David

On Saturday, January 25, 2003, at 07:30 PM, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> Thinking about this if there service and technology claims were 
> accurate you'd expect to be able to go to their page with your own 
> machine and test the location finding software but I don't see any way 
> to do that?
> ie. see how close it can get to your current location.

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