[Ti] RE: USB Scanner

Tarik Bilgin tarik at opalblue.com
Wed Jan 29 01:24:53 PST 2003

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 12:27  am, PowerBook G4 Titanium 
List wrote:

> Hi
> When I bring my Ti G4 to my office, it is attached to small Ethernet
> network which
> includes my G4 Desktop. A USB scanner is attached to the Desktop.
> Any way I can get the Scanner to be invoked from the Ti G4?
> David

As far as I know, Apple have not implemented any USB Printer/Peripheral 
sharing feature in Mac OS X (like they did in the classic os).

Anyone know if they plan to add this?
Tarik Bilgin
tarik at opalblue.com

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