won't recognize firewire drive

Robert Dahl rdahl at desertmuseum.org
Thu Jan 30 07:20:53 PST 2003

I hope someone can help me with this:

About a year and a half ago, I bought a 60 GB external firewire drive 
and housing from smalldog. I used it for a while via a firewire card 
to back up and archive old files on my powermac 7500 and then later 
to back up my Tibook which I purchased in mid 2002. For some reason 
the firewire drive will now not network with these computers any 
more. When I boot up the firewire hard drive, a green light 
underneath it blinks continuously-the firewire drive icon will not 
appear on either desktop when connected. I have a lot of stuff I 
would like to access on this drive. Any tips for getting this 
working? I have checked the firewire connections, read the FAQ, and 
still don't have a clue.


Robert O. Dahl
Design & Planning Department
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
2021 N. Kinney Road
Tucson, AZ 85743
Ph: (520) 883-3076
email: <rdahl at desertmuseum.org>
Museum web page: <http://www.desertmuseum.org/>

At home:
8421 Via Tioga
Tucson, AZ 85704
(520) 797-4752
email: <rodahl at fastucson.net>
Personal web page: <http://www.azstarnet.com/~ottar/>

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