[Ti] Speed up

Ron nie ron00000 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 17 11:49:20 PDT 2003

hi.. very nice info but i am really new to this and
can you please tell me how do i get to the Terminal.
thanks a lot!!

--- Loren Schooley <loren at flash.net> wrote:
> I know this is an old subject, but I have found very
> few who utilize and
> take advantage of it, and that is using sysctl to
> boost browser and other
> download speeds. I tested it out with different
> numbers and the results
> proved accordingly. This hack works!
> Open Terminal and type sysctl -a
> The listing should contain the following lines:
>  net.inet.tcp.sendspace: xxxxx
>  net.inet.tcp.recvspace: xxxxx
>  net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack: 1
>  net.inet.udp.recvspace: xxxxx
> The OSX default is 32768. It's recommended you
> double it.
> Hell I maxxed it out, works GREAT! -->131072. Most
> recommend 65536.
> 1---
>  Free:Loren:~> sudo sysctl -w
> net.inet.tcp.rcvspace=131072
>  Free:Loren:~> sudo sysctl -w
> net.inet.tcp.sendspace=131072
> Wow, this brought my connection from 32K per second
> to 128K per second.
> And it's a very blatant improvement.
> 2---
> Free:Loren:~> sudo sysctl -w
> net.inet.udp.recvspace=73728
>     Hmm, couldn't see much difference. But other
> sites recommend it.
> 3----
> Then there is 
>     net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack: 1
> I changed it to 0
> Delayed acks reduces the amount of bandwidth on a
> network, but piggy-backing
> ack packets on other outgoing packets. If you turn
> off delayed acks, you can
> reduce latency associated with some transfers (i.e.:
> some situations
> associated with downloading files via Windows
> networking).
>  Free:Loren:~> sudo sysctl -w
> net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0
> -----
> No need to reboot. The bottom line is that OSX
> defaults at a slower speed.
> My pages flick now instead of growl. 
> ----------
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