[Ti] Ok so besides the LIDE 30 what other scanners work?

Robert Nicholson robert at elastica.com
Sun Jun 8 14:00:51 PDT 2003

If the plugins were in the wrong folders then the error message should 
indicate so.

The error I got simply was not very encouraging given that Vuescan 
worked with the printer
first time.

If the plugsin are in the wrong folders then I'd expect to get an error 
telling me so or at least
hinting at the possibility. The fact that I get an error that suggests 
a hardware problem for
one that is actually because of software is really why I chose to 
return that scanner.

The experience reminded me of the Nikon Coolpix 900 device drivers for 
Windows way
back when. Nikon had a reputation at the time of

1. Not supporting their products well in the States.

2. Having really really bad software support.

This whole Canonscan experience was very similar and something that is 
competely unsatisfactory when I own a Mac.

I will not hesitate to buy a Canon digital camera but I'm staying away 
from any Canon scanner.

On Sunday, June 8, 2003, at 03:35  PM, Sidney Ho wrote:

>> Finally have you checked Canons homepage if there even may be an=20
>> updated driver which should be the one placed in PhotoShops plug-in=20
>> folder.
>> Perhaps somebody can add to these suggestions, so the final test 
>> will=20
>> be successful or at least minimal in time consuming.
>> Lisbeth in Gothenburg
> The latest drivers off of the Canon website work for all 4 x LIDE 30s 
> and
> the LIDE 50 in native OSX 10.2.6 on PB 1ghz/800mhz and iBook 800/500mhz
> w/ram from 256mb to 1 gb. The drivers on the European website are 
> apparently
> newer than on the USA site (as of April 2003).  CanoScan Toolbox X
> v. is what we're using and works OK in OS X, and in OS X 
> auto-opening
> Classic for OmniPage SE OCR.
> Like Lisbeth said, make sure your plugins are in the right folders.
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