[Ti] Griffin iTrip - Review

Murray Kastner murrayka at mac.com
Thu Jun 12 11:50:11 PDT 2003

At 1:04 PM -0500 6/12/03, Jason Tertadian wrote:
>Jess ...
>One quick question regarding your review of the iTrip:  How was the fidelity?

I just spoke with a couple of auto audio specialists in my area 
(Montreal). They specialize in car sound for rich kids with more 
money than... But I got a handle on the situation and it doesn't 
sound too good. The "only" solution that will do it justice is an fm 
modulater from Alpine. They say that they haveyet to see an fm 
transmitter or cassette-type connection that doesnot hiss or has 
sufficient volume.

I will be interested to hear further from those just getting their 
iTrips. There may be something new that these guys are unaware of...

They have a snazzy website but it requires either Netscape or 
Explorer: http://www.ultracar.com and they are in Montreal, Canada. 
They quoted me $199. + installation of an hour and ahalf. This 
probably is $125. in US$.

Best regards,

mailto:murrayka at mac.com

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