[Ti] DVD+RW in new Macs?

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Wed Jun 18 09:28:49 PDT 2003

The superdrive in the PowerBooks isn't meant to read or write DVD+R or 
DVD+RW.  They also probably won't work with DVD-RW, although for the 
most part, the desktops can do this.

Selwyn Ward <selwyn.ward at btopenworld.com> writes:
> I have a 17"Al PB and haven't yet managed successfully to play a 
> DVD+RW in
> it from my Phillips DVD recorder. It recognises the disc OK and starts 
> to
> play but invariably crashes.  My recorder allows me to change a 
> setting in
> the recording to aid recognition (I had to do this to successfully get 
> the
> DVD+RW recognised on my TiPB) but none of the options get the discs 
> playable
> on the 17"Al Superdrive.  If you find a patch, hack, fix or workaround 
> - do
> please let me know!

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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