[Ti] Blue Tooth PC cards

Jess Girard jess at girardrubber.com
Wed Jun 25 20:14:28 PDT 2003

I purchased the Belkin PCMCIA card, for use with my 15" TiBook under 
Jaguar. Works fine, no installation or other issues...
Jess Girard

At 09:08 AM 6/25/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Can Anyone recommend a blue tooth pc card for my 15" TiBook?
>I figure I'll wait for the PowerBook that includes Panther and the 970 before
>I upgrade [ ;) ] so I'm looking to add this functionality.  I have seen 
>the USB options, but I have this PC slot I am not using....
>TiPb 1ghz  1gram 30ghd
>SpDr  AP  10.2.6

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