> I double click the the .pkg icon, the menu bar changes from Finder to > Installer, then nothing happens...I am currently trying to install some > printer software...it also happened after I downloaded the latest imovie > release, though I was able to install it through Software Update ...does > this help? Well, given that it seems like it will be hard to diagnose the problem without actually seeing it, I'd say just reinstall the Installer program. You can extract the Installer installer (I know...you understand, right?) from your Jaguar system disk using a program called Pacifist. A description and download link is available here: http://www.versiontracker.com/moreinfo.fcgi?id=12743&db=mac I'd say that's probably the fastest and easiest way to (hopefully) solve your problem...though my work and advice comes with no guarantee. Good luck! -Evan