[Ti] Virtual PC and USB Questions

b galahad9 at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 18 20:15:25 PST 2003

According to Dave Hoppenrath:

>So I would also very much welcome any advice on how to use one of these
>Polar interfaces directly with my TiBook. If anyone can help, please chime
>in. (Incidentally, I'm on digest mode, so if this has already been resolved
>I'm sorry for a useless post and thankful for any solution!)
>-Dave Hoppenrath

I do not have experience with the device in question, but I do know a 
thing or two about VPC and the COM settings and whatnot, and my 
experience is that with VirtualPC 6 running Win2000 Pro, or XP, on my 
Titanium 667, all of the COM things and abilities for the VPC install 
to 'see' devices on the Mac, are greatly improved.

Installations are faster, in fact there is more than noticeable 
improvement, all across the board, except for screen redraws which 
remain a bit choppy, but otherwise, far better. Might be worth a shot.


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