[Ti] Panther

Kynan Shook kshook at mac.com
Sat Mar 29 12:39:30 PST 2003

Well, let's take a wild guess here...
It'll be faster, more stable, easier to use, and have about 100 new 


Oh, it'll also probably eat up another one or two hundred megs or so of 
disk space, I'd imagine.

For all the gory details, you'll probably have to wait for WWDC in 
June; I'll be there, so that should be fun...  :-D

My best guess is that it will be available in late 2003; very likely 
sometime after September or so; but that could mean even December.  I 
doubt anybody knows exactly when yet, even in Apple.

NaegeleWDC at aol.com writes:
> Apparently Panther is supposed to follow Jaguar.  What will be the 
> differences, and when will Panther appear?

Kynan Shook
kshook at mac.com

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