Protective thin sleeves for 17" keyboard/screen

John B. Crane jbcrane at
Fri May 2 08:20:30 PDT 2003


Thanks very much. I'll check them out.

Best Regards-

On Friday, May 2, 2003, at 09:08 AM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List wrote:
> I have had the 15" and now the 17" --- this company makes
> BOTH a soft pretty cloth 17" and ALSO a wonderful protective
> thin sleeve of same material.
> And they ship very fast
> They are the ones who make the little rubbery cushions which
> also keep things even

John B. Crane
CraneDigital, LLC
3D Visual Communications for All Media
Fort Collins, CO 80524
tel: (970) 229-1462

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