[Ti] Linksys and Airport with Ti Book?

Jacqueline Staples jdstaples at mindspring.com
Tue May 6 16:42:04 PDT 2003


I have the same setup. You need to access the linksys via a browser. Go 
to its default IP address of Lease the user name empty and 
type in admin for the password. That'll get you into the setup page.

I think the AirPort Utility only works with the AirPort base stations 
but I could be wrong about that.


On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 04:35  PM, BigScanner.com wrote:

> Of course I tried that but it didn't seem work (hence the post).
> I forgot the error message but will get it again after I re-charge (the
> first full recharge).
> T

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