[Ti] Most expensive iTunes download... [OT]

Christopher Murphy chris at fallt.com
Wed May 7 08:26:23 PDT 2003

Dear All/Paul,

<...but I think someone did a 1 second CD track - it might have been a guy
called Cope...>

I'm not sure, but I recently built a one second track for the second
Lowercase Sound compilation (http://www.lowercasesound.com - check out the
website it's 100% based on Apple's early black and white OS!). It's one
second long and built from 1,000 one millisecond audio samples. It was just
reviewed in the latest issue of The Wire:

"The second disc opens with Otaku Yakuza's conceptually dazzling 'The
Space of A Second' which apparently consists of 1,000 samples,
each a millisecond in duration, from sources as hilariously diverse as Keith
Rowe, Varese, Leo Kottke and the Aphex Twin.

You'll have to take his word for it, for despite the hours that presumably
went into it's creation, the track sounds like nothing more than a nasty
scratch. Even slowed down several hundred times, it's almost impossible to
spot the sources. Well, at least it only lasts a second!"

At 99 cents for the second it would work out at just less than 60 dollars
per minute (the big five would love that kind of profit margin!).
If anyone would like a copy of 'The Space of A Second' contact me off-list
and you can have a copy for the one-off price of 0 cents. =]

Take care,


| """..NOW PLAYING..00.04.2003---||||...
| 0000
| XXXX---- FARMERS MANUAL | RECENT LIVE ARCHIVE --------------------- <>
| XXXX---- OST  | SEIMLSTE ----------- \\
| 0000 \\\\..\\\\

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