Music is timele$$

Hayes-Holgate, Shaun SHayesHolg at
Wed May 7 10:32:37 PDT 2003

 No matter how you slice it the music industry is
 burning us more than we're burning their music.
 Music is timeless and will be endlessly resold
 with the newest technology available.That means in
 an average 80 year lifespan someone might have to 
 buy the same music what? 10..15 times or more.
 If you bought the Beatles Sgt.pepper album on
 vinyl in '67,and then on 8 track in '77,and then
 on cassette in '87,and then on CD in '97,and then
 from Apple now,and then who knows how many times
 into the future before it becomes public domain...
  Well I'd say the music industry has enough cash
 from you and future generations to start giving it 
 away cheap.Maybe pricing should reflect the vintage 
 status of the music. 99 cents for the newest Eminem track
 and I don't know...20 cents for a beatles track?


  the devil's advocate.

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