A few quickies for a new switcher...

Adam Lynch powerbook at sprawl.net
Wed May 7 14:54:29 PDT 2003

Maybe some of you can help with this...

I'm a recent switcher from a PC laptop running Linux, to a brand-new 15" 1ghz
PowerBook with 1gb of RAM. 

First thing I noticed were problems with 802.11b wireless. In my office, I got
great speeds from the Cisco AP (running 128-bit WEP). However, at home,
connecting to a Linksys 4-port wireless router (no WEP), it was frightfully
slow, even to other hosts on the same net. I got about 700K/sec with the Cisco
AP, and about 20K/sec with the Linksys AP. Here's the kicker- I turned WEP on on
the Linksys AP (and modified my Airport config in my home profile), and it
started working great, similar to the Cisco AP. Newest firmware and everything.
Any thoughts?

Also, in this model, do the antennas extend around the screen? Some places have
said "later model PowerBooks" did this, but I've also been told the cutesy
little windows on the body of the unit are the "antenna windows."

Other than those 2 things, everything else has gone perfectly. For the first
time, I'm actually proud to be a Mac user (after years of being a "Linux
everywhere" bigot). 


alynch at sprawl.net

     Perfection is what we achieve when we lower our standards.

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