[Ti] Option keys etc

Bill Reburn reburn at mts.net
Sat May 10 08:05:12 PDT 2003

On 5/10/03 7:45 AM, "Joel Hopwood" <hopwood at zhian.com> wrote:

> On Saturday, May 10, 2003, at 04:09  am, PowerBook G4 Titanium List wrote:
>> Good stuff! One more confusing point from the past is that back in the day
>> Apple (and maybe some other companies) used to print those weird icons for
>> alt/option - shift - return - delete on it's keyboards.  I always thought the
>> option key icon looked like a little brick going up/down an escalator.
> Funnily enough, Bill, i think it goes the other way around!
> Back in the day, my SE (man, that was a lovely mac but that's another story -
> I do sometimes miss the simplicity of the little 512x384 black and white
> screen and system 6...) anyway, my SE used to have "option" printed on the
> option key, which I always thought was sensible because you couldn't possibly
> mistake it with anything else.
> These days, in an effort to be compatible with the PC crowd, Apple tends to
> label the option key 'alt', and also add the brick going down the escalator
> icon. This is how it is on my Ti 667, and on my Apple Extended Keyboard II -
> but not you note on my old Apple Standard keyboard (which incidentally has the
> nicest action of the lot!).
> The Apple key has always had the Apple and cloverleaf logos.
> Cheers
> Joel

Interesting, Apple must use a variety of layouts/icons depending on what
country you live in? My older Apple's have the icons.. And I haven't seen a
new keyboard around here with them in years. Option key is named Option on
my newest gear.

And I agree, those older keyboards were the smoothest! Too bad about adb!

Bill Reburn
Associate Member of the
Society of Graphic Designers of Canada

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