At 9:49 AM -0700 2003.05.14, Sam Hotchkiss wrote: >aiff or wav, but you're talking about 10 megs a minute or so-- there is another one, called doggy or piggy or something, that is pretty much lossless, but its only about 5 megs per minute-- i'll look into it and get back with you Heres what a friend (Andy Hertzfeld) had to say: There are two lossless formats widely used by collectors. The more established one is called Shorten (.shn files), which has been around for around five years or so. A newer one is called FLAC (.flac file), which is a couple years old but gaining momentum. My Dylan server uses Shorten. A good place to find out more about the lossless formats is -- Andy -- Regards, Steve (is tv wake zone?)