[Ti] Bluetooth USB adaptor

Bill Reburn reburn at mts.net
Sun May 18 10:24:15 PDT 2003

On 5/18/03 8:30 AM, "Christopher Murphy" <chris at fallt.com> wrote:

> Dear Bill/All,
> Re. the oversized USB BlueTooth adapters, the Asante adapter is also
> too big, it will allow a mouse to fit +just+, but there's a lot of worrying
> looking bending going on to get it to fit. =]
> Does anyone know it there is a USB BlueTooth adapter that's small enough
> to allow a mouse to fit comfortably too? I have about three days left before
> I have to decide whether or not to keep the Asante...

Apologies. I should have mentioned that although the adapter is a smidge too
big, it also came with a little 3 ft usb cable that solves "the problem"..
Except it's another cable you have to carry around.

Bill Reburn
Associate Member of the
Society of Graphic Designers of Canada

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