[Ti] Carbon Cloner

Dennis Fazio dfz at mac.com
Thu May 29 16:20:50 PDT 2003

--On Thursday, May 29, 2003 03:36 PM +0300 "S. Moussly" <smoussly at ebla.com.kw> wrote:

> Now I can erase the partition through OS 9. But I am a bit worried that
> I'll end up with having problems with my OS X.

As mentioned, if you want to repartition anything on your disk you have to completely erase and start from scratch. This is most easily done if you have an external firewire drive to which you can back things up. (If you've been on this list long enough, you will remember that an external firewire drive to contain clones of all your partitions should be considered mandatory equipment and part of the price of owning a TiBook. It is indispensable when you upgrade OS versions and it goes south on you. That just-cloned bootable external previous version on the external disk is a godsend to get you back where you were.)

You can clone your current system to a partition on the firewire drive, remembering to make it bootable. You can clone your other partitions to disk images. Then just boot from the firewire partition, which verifies that it's OK.
run disk utility to erase and repartition your drive.
Clone your firewire OS X system back to your TiBook disk (remember again to make it bootable.
Reboot from the newly restored system
Restore your other partitions from the disk images.

This can also be done with the original system disk and a backup program, but I think this method is a lot easier.

Dennis Fazio
dfz at mac.com

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