[Ti] The REAL problem with all Finders

John McDaniel johnmcd at one.net
Wed Nov 5 07:50:24 PST 2003

On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 07:11  AM, gkar at mac wrote:

>> On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 04:26  am, John R McDaniel wrote:
>>> Poor to no documentation of the subtle but useful advanced features.
>>> -- no summary list of them
>>> -- gawd awful "Help" documentation
>> is the recently published "Mac OS X, the Missing Manual" any good?
>> Of course it will need to be rewritten to accommodate the new Panther
>> Finder(s)...
> OSX hints is a good place to hang out -

You all both miss and make my point. The documentation _provided_ by 
Apple is scant, incomplete, and poorly organized/delivered.

j mcd

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