OT: Password problem, 10.3

Wendy Austin & Thomas Oswin auswin at intnet.mu
Thu Nov 13 04:37:25 PST 2003


I upgraded to  Panther a couple of weeks ago and found I had a feedback
problem with various pages when opened in Safari, shutting Safari down
solved the problem.  When 10.3.1 came  out I loaded it in the hope that it
would fix the sound problem.  Don't know if it did because it would never
get past the Login Window stage.

I have now reinstalled Panther under the Archive and Install method and it
is now asking for a password during the restart and will not accept the
password I give it which is definitely the right one.

Any suggestions on how to get around this?


Wendy Austin & Thomas Oswin
Coastal Road, Pomponette
Mauritius Island

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