[Ti] Force Quit vs. Recent Items

Melinda Stamp mstamp at chartermi.net
Sun Nov 16 10:53:28 PST 2003

On Nov 16, 2003, at 1:27 PM, Lisbeth Zachs wrote:
> torsdagen den 6 november 2003 kl 16.36 skrev Roger Snyder:
>> I always use the key combo anyway - I forgot that it was even in the 
>> menu.
> ---------------
> Yes, but it would be great if the key combination _command-alt-esc was 
> actually there in the menu, so people would easier remember the keys 
> to get the force quit window.

In Panther the key combination for Force Quit is in the Apple menu.  
I'm glad to see it there, because I find that I learn the key 
combinations much more readily if they are noted in menus.

I've never seen the symbol for the "Escape" key before: it's a circle 
with an arrow pointing from the center up to the left.  Looking through 
the Unicode Character Palette I found it in the Miscellaneous Technical 
category -- official name "Broken Circle with Northwest Arrow."  I've 
inserted it here " ⎋ "

Melinda Stamp
Marquette, Michigan USA

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