[Ti] more explicit please

Benn joverkamp at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 17 19:31:24 PST 2003

And you'll want a / for each different path, not \.

On Nov 17, 2003, at 7:57 PM, Steve Martin wrote:
> You weren't supposed to type the quotes.
> On Nov 17, 2003, at 8:51 PM, Ron Cooper wrote:
>>> Message-Id: <8EF6C623-1967-11D8-ACAA-00039301ACF8 at astcomm.net>
>>> From: Chris Olson <chris at astcomm.net>
>>> Subject: Re: [Ti] how to delete items owned by root?
>>> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 19:35:57 -0600
>>> On Nov 17, 2003, at 11:01 AM, Ron Cooper wrote:
>>>> I want to dump some Retrospect items that in System X / Filesystems 
>>>> /
>>>> and are owned by root.
>>>> What is the procedure?
>>> Open Terminal and:
>>> 'cd /System\ X/Filesystems'  (or whatever the path is)
>>> Once you're in the directory do:
>>> 'sudo rm <filename>'  or if it's a directory you need to remove then
>>> use 'sudo rm -r <directory_name>'
>>> --
>>> Chris
>> Tried the following and hit return:
>> [Ron-Coopers-Powerbook:~] ron% 'cd /System/Library\Filesystems'
>> cd /System/Library\Filesystems: Command not found.
>> Command not found was the reply. What more need I do?

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