Apps unexp. quitting ... solved

Bryan Forbes bforbes at
Wed Nov 19 09:15:18 PST 2003

The original post centered around IE and Entourage unexpectedly 
quitting on a Tibook running 10.1.5 ---

Thanks to all who responded ... we ditched some M'soft prefs file in 
the user library ... didn't have any effect.  My friend took upon 
himself to call M'soft (I don't think he had ever used any of his 
support contacts before) and got through to support after about 1/2 
hour.  They had him ditch some additional items (I've yet to get out of 
him exactly what they had him delete), but it has solved his problems.

Many thanks to all for your suggestions ... I hope to have myself and 
him updated to Panther 10.3.1 within a couple of weeks.


B. Forbes

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