[Ti] Max Resolution not max enough

Kynan Shook kynan at cs.wisc.edu
Mon Nov 24 06:12:37 PST 2003

Well, somebody else already mentioned this, but I'll go a little more 
in-depth; yes, 1152x768 is a hardware limit.  There are exactly that 
number of pixels on an LCD display, no more, no less.  Lower 
resolutions are made by scaling each pixel to be a little bit larger 
than it actually is, and then putting it on the screen.  The lower 
performance is due to the fact that the computer is *still* pushing out 
1152x768 pixels, but before it draws those, it has to figure out how to 
scale up from a lower resolution, giving the video card more work.

So no, you can't make your display bigger than it actually is; besides, 
if you did that, instead of using some data multiple times to fill more 
pixels, you'd be actually *losing* data.  Also, things would be fuzzy 
like they are at lower-than-optimal resolutions.  So you'd have a fuzzy 
display with even smaller text, and many details would be lost in the 
display.  You'd be much, much better off to just buy yourself a nice 
external display instead of wasting your time on the impossible.

Loren Schooley <loren at flash.net> writes:
> Comparing numbers on a 550mhz Ti, it would seem that running 256
> colors/800x600 would require less power, and offer more performance 
> than
> running the graphics at maximum capability. Not so according to 
> benchmarks,
> when running at the max 1152x768/millions, the performance actually
> increases at many levels. That said, I see no harm in hacking the video
> driver to pull a 1280x1024 resolution.
> I have just started to find out how I can do this, and X11 should have 
> a
> configuration file where I can begin. Question is, has anyone 
> attempted this
> already? I can't find anything on the web.

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