[Ti] 10.2.8

Rod Duncan roduncan at telus.net
Thu Oct 2 11:48:45 PDT 2003

I apologize to the list for stirring the pot by being more than a 
little bit off topic. I refuse to be drawn into name calling by Mr. 
Brown. Actually, I do know about options, their ramifications and how 
that they are exercised. Enough said.

Thanks Steve for the comeuppance, I humbly accept.

BTW... Have you heard if the new 15" AI's are as hot as the 12's or 
did I miss the thread?

Again, my apologies.


>  >Your ignorance of the business process is overwhelming but typical of the
>>liberal democratic view that all corporations are out to screw the little
>>guy and need to be controlled by the state. It's kinda ironic in a way
>>because that's exactly the Fascist model which Dems are so fond of laying on
>>"right wing" conservatives.
>This is not on topic, or even close.
>Steve  (is tv wake zone?)


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